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Buying a frost resistant fig tree?

With the Olive Tree Specialist you have found the right place to look for high quality, frost resistant fig trees at a fixed low price. The Olive Tree Specialist imports its fig trees from Spain. The reason for this is that the Spanish fig trees of the variety Ficus carica "Brown turkey" are most resistant to frost and disease.


See the product list below for a selection of the Olive Tree Specialist’s assortment. The trees are all arranged by girth. The girth is namely related to the age of the tree.


Have a look at the overview below for the highest quality fig trees with the finest branching, at a fixed low price. Because of the controlled quality we provide waranty up to 5 years, in combination with a service contract. Ask us about the possibilities.



Order your fig tree easy, safe and quick in our webshop...

Click on "Add to wheelbarrow" beneath the fig tree of your choice. Then follow a few simple steps and you'll have your fig tree, with or without matching planter and necessary raw materials, safe and fast at home. When ordered before 10.00 am, your order can be shipped the next working day. It is also possible to specificy a date of delivery!


Fig tree
Girth 15/20cm - Height incl. container 200cm - Cont. height 40cm - Cont. diameter 45cm
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Fig tree
Girth 20/25cm - Height incl. container 200cm - Cont. height 36cm - Cont. diameter 42cm
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Fig tree
Girth 25/30cm - Height incl. container 200cm - Cont. height 45cm - Cont. diameter 55cm
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Fig tree
Girth 30/40cm - Height incl. container 200cm - Cont. height 47cm - Cont. diameter 60cm
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Temporarily out of stock
Fig tree
Girth 40/50cm - Height incl. container 220cm - Cont. height 52cm - Cont. diameter 68cm
Fig tree
Girth 50/60cm - Height incl. container 220cm - Cont. height 52cm - Cont. diameter 68cm
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Olive tree Specialist:  
        Botanical Group: